If you are Interested in a hedgehog or in being placed on our waiting list for future babies, please email us at pendrys@netzero.net and we will provide you with further details. We accept cash or paypal as our two methods of payment. We do require a deposit for a future breeding if you are looking for a specific color combo or sex.
When you come to pick up your hedgehog you will be provided with a week supply of food, their specific weight chart, and a basic care sheet. Any time you have questions, please don't hestiate to contact us. We are always available for phone consult.
Sex: Male
Born: August 10, 2012
Color: Algerian Dark Grey Pinto
Temperment: 9 (Almost 10)- Extremely Friendly
Ready to Leave on: September 14, 2012
Dam: DFM Piper Penelope Rose
Sire: DFM Prince Quilliam
Price: $200
Status: Avalible - No waiting list

Sex: Female
Born: August 10, 2012
Color: Algerian Grey
Temperment: 9 - Extremely Friendly
Ready to Leave on: September 14, 2012
Dam: DFM Piper Penelope Rose
Sire: DFM Prince Quilliam
Price: $200
Status: Avalible - No waiting list

Sex: Male
Born: August 10, 2012
Color: Chocolate Pinto
Temperment: 9 - Extremely Friendly
Ready to Leave on: September 14, 2012
Dam: DFM Piper Penelope Rose
Sir: DFM Prince Quilliam
Price: $200
Status: Avalible - No waiting list